1:31 AM Unknown 0 Comments

It's getting really HOT, Since it summer! woooohooo! It may be fun but too HOT can spoil your summer not only your summer but also your skin! I may not look like a "take care of myself person" but I hate super hot day's since it burns skin and irritates it. I don't want the sun to keep me out of my summer activities! hehe I may not look like it but I really am the type of person who does lots of adventure. For example bungee jumping (ahh Im excited just by thinking about it) and other water rides! I think out of all the seasons I heart summer the best! kyaaa! lol!

So lets fight the sun head on!

what i have inside my bag for summer!

1. sun block lotion (obviously 0.o)
2. evian face spray (ugh since its too hot you can spray it on your face!)
3. wet tissue
4. lip moisturizer
5. powder
6. hand wash liquid

That's it! We went to laguna last saturday. We went to villa escudero and pandin lake! Great view! I wanted to show it to you guys but I don't have the picture's for now, probably on sunday ill post a new blog and the pictures.