Life Update 2015
I thought I would never blog again, but then again this is my virtual diary. (insert happy face)The year 2015 is ending in a few days.
I am reminiscing of the things I have done this 2015.
Is it good or bad, any dream achievements?
Every year though is a life learning experience, I think I gained more wisdom.
I also know what is important and what is not.
If given a chance to talk to my younger self.
I would tell her not to mind what others think of her and just mind your own business because what they think of you, does not define you. Do not stress, If anything use what is stressing you as motivation, so you could live your life without anything or anyone dragging you down. Learn to cope with hardships and think of all the rewards you will get later on, the happiness and freedom that comes with it. Do your thing and if given a time where you need to make decisions. Choose something you would regret less. Do not live by the word Y.O.L.O.
Honestly. is so not cool. I use to think that I would never know when i would die so might as well do this or that. And those things are the things that dragged me down. Y.O.L.O is just a short lived happiness and it is selfish. Instead replace Y.O.L.O with O.K.O.O
Now Thats something positive and uplifting. It will give you positive outcomes and will make you regret less.
Okay, So Now.
On to life updates this 2015.
A wart grew in my thumb, around my nails. At first I thought it was just a callous so i just keep on cutting it with a nipper until it grew and grew. Boy, I regretted cutting it so much. Last Month (November) I have gotten electrocautery for warts. And it is still in healing process I might Blog it separately with Pictures (Warning: Pictures extremely disgusting).
I actually sold my 4 year old MacBook Pro 13" for 6000 Pesos, Because it was Broken but Someone was still willing to buy it, knowing that IT IS broken. He's Job is fixing Gadgets, So I think he wanted to experiment on it.
This Month, I also got myself Macbook Air 11". I worked for it (wink). I read tons of articles and watch videos on the difference between the MBA 11" and the MBA 13". I am so glad, I chose the 11". It is so portable. The screen is not cramp at all, and I love it so much. (Happy Dance)
I also Bought Bag for my MBA 11". I'm so Glad I bought the bag from HALO instead of the Apple Store. Apple store bags price is very expensive. It cost 2000 pesos, and I got mine for only 600 Pesos. The quality is so good, while the price is just right.
I also have a new fur baby boy. I named him Skye.
I got my car, a pink stirring wheel cover.
I also have a nephew. Finally an aunt. (Shock face)
Handsome. (heart)
Thats all for now.